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Love it! πŸ’• Really Great Meaningful FUN ! πŸΏπŸ™‚
Make the movies more interesting even if you have not seen them! Great meaningful discussion! Great podcast! Really looking forward to next episode!

Yes please!
You had me at Johnny Dowd being a guest. Love the intellect, humor, wit. A winner all around!

5 Stars
Fun podcast. Hosts have good chemistry, and they touch on all kinds of movies. Funny and informative. Subscribed!

A Lively And Fun Podcast!
This podcast is a blast from start to finish. These two might only have a few episodes in the can, but each one has been a wild ride of great witty banter, informative and useful critique and indeed: yelling! I can’t wait to tune in more and share in their great chemistry. This podcast is one I’ll be anticipating each time it drops. Check it out today!